Saturday, December 19, 2009

Tis the Season

As we go through the hustle and bustle leading up to Christmas day, let's not forget what this time of year is really about! God sent His Son, the perfect Lamb, to live among us and become the ultimate sacrifice.

I am glad school is finally out for Christmas break. I am one who is guilty of getting caught up in living for the next weekend or holiday break...making a list and checking it twice (or three or four times) trying to figure out what I am going to get this person and mark through the ones for whom I have already bought presents. But now I want to slow down and enjoy the next few weeks and truly reflect on this time of year. Can you imagine a world without a Savior?..Where we would still have to live under the law? Makes you view things a little differently, doesn't it?

I read "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever" to my students this year. It was a fun, easy read and the kiddos really enjoyed the humor. I have a few this year who might be related to the Herdmans...with all their cussing and stealing and all!...What they don't know is I chose this book because even with all its humor, it tells the true Christmas story. That could be the one and only time some of those kids hear it. It is sad that now days we have to try to disguise the truth within our schools. But, thank God there are ways around it! Christmas day is quickly approaching, grab a cup of coffee or hot chocolate, sit in your favorite chair next to your Christmas tree and worship the ONE who is to be called...
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace!! (Isaiah 9:6)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

I'm not there yet...But...I'm working on it!

When will I ever become who the Lord wants me to be? When will I finally “get it?” I know at times I can be extremely hard on myself. I feel I am justified in being hard on myself because much of the time I can identify with Paul when he says, “Why do I do the things I don’t want to do and not do the things I should?” I know that there is no condemnation in Christ. I have heard it and read it a million times. I am praying that maybe…just maybe…I am grasping the truth of this. I learned today that there’s a difference between self-condemnation and Holy Spirit correction. Once there is repentance, it is gone!! If there is still extreme guilt it is because Satan is trying to hold me back from experiencing freedom and the will of God.

I praise HIM for his grace and mercy, because without it I would be doomed to hell. I am very aware that there is nothing good within me except the Holy Spirit. This is another one of those concepts that I have heard and believed but not until recently has it become very evident. I am thankful and praise Him for beginning to reveal His Truth to me. I think the difference now is I know that I can do nothing good apart from Him. I know because I’ve tried doing it on my own…it doesn’t work. As much as I hate some of the choices I have made, my heart overflows with gratitude that HE can take those horrible mistakes and turn them into a heart that seeks after Him even greater than before.

As I was writing I began to think of when Jesus healed the blind man in John 9. I thought of him because I remembered that Jesus didn’t touch him and instantly heal him. (I find myself many times wanting a “quick fix” and getting irritated with Him if it takes longer than what “I” would like) HE made mud pies and put them on the man’s eyes. Then HE told the man to “Go wash.” Can you imagine if the blind man didn’t obey?! Or began complaining…”I thought this was going to be easy. How do you expect me to make it to the Pool of Siloam? Don’t you remember Lord…I am blind!!” Think about what he would’ve missed out on!!...a miracle that forever changed his life. Sometimes we expect God to do things instantaneously. Obviously, that’s not always His plan. He will give us everything we need but then we have to take the step and “GO.” It doesn’t matter how bleak or impossible it seems. Be obedient!

I just reread this passage and several things stood out to me:
1. His blindness was not caused by anything he or his parents did, but that the
work of God may be displayed in his life.
2. Jesus spat on the ground and made mud and put it on his eyes, which HE could’ve
just healed him by touching like He had done many times before, but that was not
in HIS plan for this man.
3. After putting mud in his eyes, Jesus said, “Go wash,” and he went. (What if he
hadn’t obeyed? He wouldn’t have been healed! or it would've been delayed...I think that is a lesson in itself).
4. Then, while all (even his parents) were afraid of the Jews and being kicked out,
he stood boldly and declared how he was healed and Who healed him.
5. And, the Jews did throw him out. But when Jesus heard this HE went to find him.
6. Because he was obedient…because he was bold…because he stood up and declared the
One True God, he had a personal encounter with Jesus.
7. He didn’t care what his parents or anyone else said…He knew the Truth and the
Truth set him free!!
8. He not only gained physical sight but the eyes of his heart were also opened.

When I think about who God is and how magnificent, powerful, and loving HE is, I become irritated with myself that I would ever stray from what HIS will is for my life. I honestly don’t get it! Why would I, knowing the greatness of God Almighty…knowing that His plans are best for me…ever chose to do what “I” want to do or chose to do something that pleases others instead of God? This is beyond my comprehension, and yet day after day I find myself making poor decisions. Decisions that please my flesh or others instead of pleasing God. Personally…I am sick of it!! I am overjoyed that I am no longer blinded in this area and am ready to begin letting the Lord work in this area of my life.

HE is worthy of so much more than what I’ve been giving. I am realizing that life is way too short to get caught up in this world and fleshly desires. This world is temporal; we are here today and gone tomorrow. We can’t make a difference in the kingdom if we are overly concerned about how others might perceive something or doing things the way “we” want to do them. It’s time to take it to another level…Let’s…Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. Let’s…not be concerned with what others might think. Let’s…throw everything else aside and run the race He has called us to run. Let’s…begin thinking with eternal eyes. Let’s remember…we can do NOTHING apart from Him!!

Love and Blessings!!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Fall Family Fun on the Farm!

Anyone who really knows me well knows that I LOVE fall! It is definitely my favorite season of the year. I think it stems back to my cheerleading days. I always loved football season and getting ready for the games. It was so exciting to me. Actually, I think my memories of fall date back way before then...but it still has to do with cheerleading, football, and fall. I remember going to football games in Olton. Everyone in town was there. The air was crisp, the band was great, and of course, I couldn't keep my eyes off of the cheerleaders. Wonderful memories!! So, needless to say, I believe I am a little like Pavlov's dog when that first cool front blows in. No, I don't salavate but I do become VERY giddy (wait...did I really just compare myself to a dog?!). To be honest, it lasts until I have to go back to school after Christmas break. Fall=Family Fun!!

Well, this year isn't any different than all the others in the past. Fall is here and I am one giddy chic! :) The weather this weekend was wonderful (so glad it stopped raining for a while) so, Amy, Joaquin, the kids and I went to Kaska Family Farm. It wasn't a huge production but it was still a lot of fun. I love watching my nieces get excited about the little things in life. Watching them reminds me of how much fun I had as a kid (ok, so I probably liked it just as much as they did!)

Here are a few pics to sum it up!

Ready for the hay ride!

Duck Races!


Definitely my favorite pic of the day...Giddy up Cow Train!

Hugs in the pumpkin patch

My favorite saying of the day after someone left their duck in the sand... FINDERS...LOSERS...WEEPERS!

Even brother had something to say about the farm!
(Please tune me out!)

We had a wonderful time!

Sunday, October 18, 2009


I cannot even begin to express how blessed I am to have been born into my family. I thank God all the time for each one of them. I have always known that I had an awesome family, but it wasn't until my mid-twenties when my eyes were truly opened to just how blessed I am.
Having worked in the school system for seven years and two years in maternity homes, I have witnessed those who are not so fortunate. It breaks my heart. I have thought on many occassions..."If he/she was in a different family they could really shine!" I have heard terrible things that go on in some homes and it is almost hard for me to believe that such things really happen. I praise God and want to say thanks to my parents for sheltering me. I know and have always known that I am loved! It is because of my mom's love that I know a glimpse of God's unconditional love. I hope she knows that my love for her is the same. I have always been encouraged and told that I can do anything. I realize now just how far that has taken me in life. I get so excited to hear of someone who has had such a hard childhood and have overcome those obstacles to become someone great for God. I'm not so sure I would have been one of those success stories had I lived such a traumatic childhood. God is good and His plans are perfect.

MY MOM...My best friend, my biggest encourager and the one who taught me how to love. I still love crawling in your lap, vacationing with you and riding around drinking coffee. Thanks for being my prayer warrior! I am who I am today because of you!!

MY DAD...I love that we have the same sense of humor! Thank you for being such a great provider throughout the years. Some of my favorite memories are cruising the ranch looking for deer and stockshows!! Singing oldies and watching you "walk the dog" will forever be engrained in my mind. I still love laying in your big bed when I first get home and talking. Baby Squirrel will ALWAYS be my favorite nickname. I am so grateful that the Lord let you stay here with us that day in February!! HE knew we need you.

MY BROTHER...You are my protector! You have always looked after me. You are the one I go to for advice. I know you will "tell me like it is" and I love that. I have loved living here in Waco and being around you and your family. I hope I marry a man who is even half the daddy you are! You are an AMAZING father.

MY SISTER...You are the BEST sister a girl could ever ask for!! From the time I was little I have always run to you..."Where's my DD?!" You always seem to cheer me up when I am down and know the right things to make me laugh. I enjoy our two hour talks on the phone. I am ready for another road trip....BORN TO BE WIIIIILD! :)

Each one of you are so very special to me. I couldn't imagine life without you guys. I am proud of my family!!
I am so glad God had other plans and mom and dad didn't stop at two children. I don't know what y'all would do without me!! LOL! ;)

Sunday, October 4, 2009

God of This City

A few years ago the Lord put on my heart to pray for Del Rio and the surrounding areas (Brackettville, Quemado and Eagle Pass). I have to admit I wasn't very faithful or committed to praying until I moved to Waco. I became caught up in my own life and became so busy (Being Under Satan's Yoke!)with everyday things that I put that on the back burner. I guess sometimes God has to take you out of a situation to be able to see more clearly. Now that I am getting my priorities back in order I feel the urgency once again to pray for this area.

Here are a few things I am praying and would love for you to join with me:

1. For the preachers and priests...That they will be committed to teaching their flock the truth of God's Word. If they aren't committed that they will be replaced with someone who will.

2. That the Lord will begin to break down the strongholds of idol worship, superstition, and witch-craft

3. That the body of Christ will come together and worship as one body

4. Those of us who are Christians will become bold in proclaiming His name within our city and get our hands dirty for the Kingdom (Every other group is standing up for what they believe in...we MUST do the same before it is too late!)

I believe God wants to do GREAT and MIGHTY things within this area of the world. I am asking that you begin praying every Thursday for God's will to be accomplished within Del Rio and the surrounding areas.

I just wanted to share what was on my heart hoping you would join me in prayer!

We are only here for a split second in the realm of eternity...Let's make it count for HIM.

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Last year I was part of a bible study group called First Place for Health. Obviously it was supposed to deal with health issues, but I believe God used this particular study to help me in other areas of my life that I was dealing with at the time. I need to go back and reread it. I was reading through my journal the other night and ran across a few things I had written down about temptation. I have thought about it many times since the bible study so I wanted to share it with you. (All of this information comes out of the First Place for Health Bible study book.)


*Pray that you will not fall into temptation. (Luke 22:40)

*Temptation had predictably followed their promises of faithfulness.

*Temptation always follows commitment.

*God tests us to build up our faith, to show that we are sincere in our
commitment,to confirm that our eyes are fixed on Jesus.

*Satan uses temptation to lure us into failure.

*Satan always begins his temptation by inviting us to question God's goodness and

*The evil one would like for us to believe God is withholding something from us that
we need in order to be whole and complete.

*Temptation always offers us something appealing that it cannot give us; it offers
to satisfy a need, but it does not have the means or substance to deliver.

*Satan is an opportunist, an enemy who always strikes when we are vulnerable.

*Temptation is always an invitation to fill a legitimate need in an illegitimate way!

So what do we do:

1. Recognize the voice of Satan.
2. Resist him and he will flee, but you must be persistent. He does not give up
3. Memorize and quote scripture!
4. Believe God's Word to be true.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

May 25, 1986

Do you know what you were doing May 25, 1986? Many of you may not know that exact date, but once you begin to read through this blog it just might jog your memory.

I happened upon this date randomly. I am trying to get my lesson plans together for next week. We are teaching non-fiction literature for the next couple of weeks. We have to incorporate biographies, autobiographies, and poetry into our lessons. I really don't know how Michael Jackson was thrown into the mix, but he was!! Not a huge fan of MJ. Truth be told, the only reason I thought he was even slightly cool was because he had the same birth date as me AND because he invented the moonwalk. (which by the way, my dad can do the BEST moonwalk...especially in the Waco mall! I love it).
With a big plan to make learning FUN, we have to bring in lyrics because they are a lot like poetry. We were going to use MJ's song, "Black or White," but the first line says something about taking a girl out for a bang! Don't really know what he is referring to but I know my 6th graders would take that and run.

SO, with all that being said...I remembered "We are the World." It was written by Michael and Lionel Richie. "Yes!" I thought to myself. I think I can work with that. "We are the World" lyrics, music, video...USA for hunger issues and equality. maybe the MJ lesson won't be too bad.

All of that was just a build up of why "We are the World" and, with that, Hands Across America would even pop into my mind. Why kids remember some things and not others is beyond me. But this is MY story about May 25, 1986...

I remember watching all the commercials promoting Hands Across America and wanted to go so-super-badly! I just knew my mom would want to go and take all of us. My mom is cool; she always did things like that this with us, so I knew this would be no exception. I was in the second grade and just the thought of people being in a line holding hands from NY to LA was so cool to me. Well, the day came and went and the only person's hand I held was my own! My sister, on the other hand, got to go with her best friend.
The only thing to get my mind off Hands Across America was to put on my leotard and practice gymnastics in the living room. The moment she walked in the door I knew I had missed out. She had her face painted and cool HAA paraphernalia. Man, she was so lucky! I think when she walked in the front door I did a roundoff and said, "Bono at your service ma'am. Always good for a laugh; always good for a laugh!" (inside family joke). Inside I was bummed!

Anyway...I see now that I didn't get to go that day because God knew I would need some inspiration for my Michael Jackson lesson plan!!! ha!

I'll leave you with this song. Take a little trip down memory lane. AND if you know what you were doing on May 25, 1986...PLEASE let me know.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

I'd Need a Savior by: Among the Thristy

I have been so busy lately with school starting and haven't had much time to blog. I'm not going to blog much today either. I would rather take a nap. :) I do want to share one of my new favorite songs though. I LOVE it!! It is one of those songs that I have to turn up the volume and belt it out every time it comes on the radio. I hope you enjoy it too.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is FREEDOM. 2 Corinthians 3:17

Oh how I know this scripture to be true. I have heard many Christian speakers refer to the freedom that we have in Christ and always believed I knew what they were talking about. It wasn't until recently that I became aware of true freedom.

Many of us think freedom is being able to make our own decision and doing things our own way---making things happen in our own timing. It seems like a backwards concept to think of freedom as submitting and being obedient to something other than ourselves. Life...GOD...has a way of opening our eyes to the lies we have been believing and revealing HIS truth.

For those of us who have blazed a trail and tried to find freedom our own way, we have been disappointed with the outcome! We don't realize it at the time, but those "free choices" we are making end up coming with a HUGE price. We wake up one day and realize that what we thought was freedom wasn't really freedom at all but bondage. It is a shocking and overwhelming realization. It is then, if you are a child of God, that you realize living life the way "you" want to is not going to cut it. It is only after true repentance and submitting to the authority of Christ can you truly find that freedom you always wanted. The freedom that reaps peace and joy. Freedom from depression, fear, worry, stress, etc. This freedom you can not have by living life your way.

I encourage you to take inventory of your life. Are there areas in your life where you are trying to do it all by yourself? Are you being stubborn, rebellious, or just wanting to be independent? As my great friend Brother Bob would say...STOP IT!! Take it from someone who's been there, it is NOT worth it.

Not until you come to the point in your life where you realize that it is not about you but about living for HIM, do you experience true freedom!! (I am not saying I am there yet. I am a work in progress!) So, let HIM break the shackles off your feet so you can dance and be free to do the things HE has called you to do!! ;)

Monday, August 3, 2009


I was reading Joyce Meyer's book "Approval Addiction" the other day and found this to be a wonderful picture of our worth in Christ. Here is what she had to say:

A well-known speaker started off his seminar by holding up a fifty-dollar bill. In the room of two hundred, he asked, "Who would like this fifty-dollar bill?" Hands started going up. He siad, "I am going to give it to one of you, but first let me do this."
He proceeded to crumple the bill up. He then asked, "Who still wants it?" Still the hands were up in the air.
"Well," he replied, "what if I do this?" And he dropped it on the ground and started to grind it into the floor with his shoe. He picked it up, now all crumpled and dirty.
"Now who still wants it?" Still the hands went into the air.
"My friends, you have all learned a very valuable lesson. No matter what I did to the money, you still wanted it because it did not decrease in value. It was still worth fifty dollars."
Many times in our lives, we are dropped, crumpled, and ground into the dirt by the decisions we make and the circumstances that come our way. We feel as though we are worthless. But no matter what has happened or what will happen, we will never lose our value in God's eyes. Dirty or clean, crumpled or finely creased, we are still priceless to HIM.

Even with all His foreknowledge of our weaknesses and the mistakes we would make, He still chose us on purpose and brought us into a relationship with Himself through Christ.

So...we can do whatever we want?! Of course not...Read Romans chapter 6...what shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? By no means!!

For those of us who have made mistakes in the past (which is all of us!) I find it very encouraging that He still chose us and still loves us!!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Getting Started

I have to admit that as I was thinking about a blog the title came to me rather quickly. The picture, however, was all God's doing. My first thought was to have a picture of a woman in Paris shopping or laying out on the beach somewhere....Then having a picture of a crying baby, nagging husband and baggage to the side with an X over each one. The description was going to read...Ahhh the single life! No baggage!! :) But then that really isn't my picture of being single at all.
You see, since I am almost 31 and still single, this has been one of my biggest adventures. Though it has been tough, I can honestly say I wouldn't trade it for the world!! The Lord has used this time in my life to purify me and humble me. At times I have kicked and screamed and all out wanted to punch HIM for not giving me a man...right now!! HE has always brought me back to the place of knowing that HIS timing is perfect, HE really does love me through all my fits, and HE really does know what is best for me.
So back to the picture and the scripture...that was HIS picture for me (from the poem Footprints in the Sand). Though life has not always gone exactly as I have planned, HE has proven time and time again that HE will NEVER leave me. And for that...I give HIM praise. HE really is worthy of it!!