Sunday, October 25, 2009

Fall Family Fun on the Farm!

Anyone who really knows me well knows that I LOVE fall! It is definitely my favorite season of the year. I think it stems back to my cheerleading days. I always loved football season and getting ready for the games. It was so exciting to me. Actually, I think my memories of fall date back way before then...but it still has to do with cheerleading, football, and fall. I remember going to football games in Olton. Everyone in town was there. The air was crisp, the band was great, and of course, I couldn't keep my eyes off of the cheerleaders. Wonderful memories!! So, needless to say, I believe I am a little like Pavlov's dog when that first cool front blows in. No, I don't salavate but I do become VERY giddy (wait...did I really just compare myself to a dog?!). To be honest, it lasts until I have to go back to school after Christmas break. Fall=Family Fun!!

Well, this year isn't any different than all the others in the past. Fall is here and I am one giddy chic! :) The weather this weekend was wonderful (so glad it stopped raining for a while) so, Amy, Joaquin, the kids and I went to Kaska Family Farm. It wasn't a huge production but it was still a lot of fun. I love watching my nieces get excited about the little things in life. Watching them reminds me of how much fun I had as a kid (ok, so I probably liked it just as much as they did!)

Here are a few pics to sum it up!

Ready for the hay ride!

Duck Races!


Definitely my favorite pic of the day...Giddy up Cow Train!

Hugs in the pumpkin patch

My favorite saying of the day after someone left their duck in the sand... FINDERS...LOSERS...WEEPERS!

Even brother had something to say about the farm!
(Please tune me out!)

We had a wonderful time!

Sunday, October 18, 2009


I cannot even begin to express how blessed I am to have been born into my family. I thank God all the time for each one of them. I have always known that I had an awesome family, but it wasn't until my mid-twenties when my eyes were truly opened to just how blessed I am.
Having worked in the school system for seven years and two years in maternity homes, I have witnessed those who are not so fortunate. It breaks my heart. I have thought on many occassions..."If he/she was in a different family they could really shine!" I have heard terrible things that go on in some homes and it is almost hard for me to believe that such things really happen. I praise God and want to say thanks to my parents for sheltering me. I know and have always known that I am loved! It is because of my mom's love that I know a glimpse of God's unconditional love. I hope she knows that my love for her is the same. I have always been encouraged and told that I can do anything. I realize now just how far that has taken me in life. I get so excited to hear of someone who has had such a hard childhood and have overcome those obstacles to become someone great for God. I'm not so sure I would have been one of those success stories had I lived such a traumatic childhood. God is good and His plans are perfect.

MY MOM...My best friend, my biggest encourager and the one who taught me how to love. I still love crawling in your lap, vacationing with you and riding around drinking coffee. Thanks for being my prayer warrior! I am who I am today because of you!!

MY DAD...I love that we have the same sense of humor! Thank you for being such a great provider throughout the years. Some of my favorite memories are cruising the ranch looking for deer and stockshows!! Singing oldies and watching you "walk the dog" will forever be engrained in my mind. I still love laying in your big bed when I first get home and talking. Baby Squirrel will ALWAYS be my favorite nickname. I am so grateful that the Lord let you stay here with us that day in February!! HE knew we need you.

MY BROTHER...You are my protector! You have always looked after me. You are the one I go to for advice. I know you will "tell me like it is" and I love that. I have loved living here in Waco and being around you and your family. I hope I marry a man who is even half the daddy you are! You are an AMAZING father.

MY SISTER...You are the BEST sister a girl could ever ask for!! From the time I was little I have always run to you..."Where's my DD?!" You always seem to cheer me up when I am down and know the right things to make me laugh. I enjoy our two hour talks on the phone. I am ready for another road trip....BORN TO BE WIIIIILD! :)

Each one of you are so very special to me. I couldn't imagine life without you guys. I am proud of my family!!
I am so glad God had other plans and mom and dad didn't stop at two children. I don't know what y'all would do without me!! LOL! ;)

Sunday, October 4, 2009

God of This City

A few years ago the Lord put on my heart to pray for Del Rio and the surrounding areas (Brackettville, Quemado and Eagle Pass). I have to admit I wasn't very faithful or committed to praying until I moved to Waco. I became caught up in my own life and became so busy (Being Under Satan's Yoke!)with everyday things that I put that on the back burner. I guess sometimes God has to take you out of a situation to be able to see more clearly. Now that I am getting my priorities back in order I feel the urgency once again to pray for this area.

Here are a few things I am praying and would love for you to join with me:

1. For the preachers and priests...That they will be committed to teaching their flock the truth of God's Word. If they aren't committed that they will be replaced with someone who will.

2. That the Lord will begin to break down the strongholds of idol worship, superstition, and witch-craft

3. That the body of Christ will come together and worship as one body

4. Those of us who are Christians will become bold in proclaiming His name within our city and get our hands dirty for the Kingdom (Every other group is standing up for what they believe in...we MUST do the same before it is too late!)

I believe God wants to do GREAT and MIGHTY things within this area of the world. I am asking that you begin praying every Thursday for God's will to be accomplished within Del Rio and the surrounding areas.

I just wanted to share what was on my heart hoping you would join me in prayer!

We are only here for a split second in the realm of eternity...Let's make it count for HIM.