Sunday, October 4, 2009

God of This City

A few years ago the Lord put on my heart to pray for Del Rio and the surrounding areas (Brackettville, Quemado and Eagle Pass). I have to admit I wasn't very faithful or committed to praying until I moved to Waco. I became caught up in my own life and became so busy (Being Under Satan's Yoke!)with everyday things that I put that on the back burner. I guess sometimes God has to take you out of a situation to be able to see more clearly. Now that I am getting my priorities back in order I feel the urgency once again to pray for this area.

Here are a few things I am praying and would love for you to join with me:

1. For the preachers and priests...That they will be committed to teaching their flock the truth of God's Word. If they aren't committed that they will be replaced with someone who will.

2. That the Lord will begin to break down the strongholds of idol worship, superstition, and witch-craft

3. That the body of Christ will come together and worship as one body

4. Those of us who are Christians will become bold in proclaiming His name within our city and get our hands dirty for the Kingdom (Every other group is standing up for what they believe in...we MUST do the same before it is too late!)

I believe God wants to do GREAT and MIGHTY things within this area of the world. I am asking that you begin praying every Thursday for God's will to be accomplished within Del Rio and the surrounding areas.

I just wanted to share what was on my heart hoping you would join me in prayer!

We are only here for a split second in the realm of eternity...Let's make it count for HIM.

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