Saturday, December 19, 2009

Tis the Season

As we go through the hustle and bustle leading up to Christmas day, let's not forget what this time of year is really about! God sent His Son, the perfect Lamb, to live among us and become the ultimate sacrifice.

I am glad school is finally out for Christmas break. I am one who is guilty of getting caught up in living for the next weekend or holiday break...making a list and checking it twice (or three or four times) trying to figure out what I am going to get this person and mark through the ones for whom I have already bought presents. But now I want to slow down and enjoy the next few weeks and truly reflect on this time of year. Can you imagine a world without a Savior?..Where we would still have to live under the law? Makes you view things a little differently, doesn't it?

I read "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever" to my students this year. It was a fun, easy read and the kiddos really enjoyed the humor. I have a few this year who might be related to the Herdmans...with all their cussing and stealing and all!...What they don't know is I chose this book because even with all its humor, it tells the true Christmas story. That could be the one and only time some of those kids hear it. It is sad that now days we have to try to disguise the truth within our schools. But, thank God there are ways around it! Christmas day is quickly approaching, grab a cup of coffee or hot chocolate, sit in your favorite chair next to your Christmas tree and worship the ONE who is to be called...
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace!! (Isaiah 9:6)

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