Thursday, July 29, 2010

Embarking on a Journey!

I have always thought it was quite ironic that I became a reading teacher. My whole family can attest to the fact that as a child I HATED to read. (I blame it on the whole language approach...I believe I would've been a much better reader had I learned phonics, but that is beside the point!) My mom was the best! She tried everything to help me love to read, especially in third grade. I had to read every single night. Even thinking about it now brings back memories...not very pleasant ones. Some mornings mom would wake me up early and we would go to Dairy Queen where she would order biscuits & gravy (my favorite) and have me read to her. I still didn't like the reading part but cherish the memories and her dedication as a mother. I never became the fastest reader and to tell you the truth, I hated reading all the way through college. It wasn't until after I graduate from college and no longer had "required" reading that I picked up a book and read for enjoyment.

Now I take great pleasure in picking up a good book. I have so many books that I don't have enough shelf space. Some books are packed away in my closet and others are stacked neatly under my bed. Because I struggled so much as a child in reading, I believe it has made me a better teacher. I can identify with those who "can't stand to read!" Sadly, they are the majority!

So...In my (almost) 32 years, I realized that I have NEVER read a classic novel. Yes, you read that correctly...never read a classic novel!! I don't know how I got away with it. Oh wait, we read "Grapes of Wrath" together as a class in high school, but I can't really claim reading it because Mrs. Mills read it out loud. Sad but true!!!

This is where the journey begins! A few nights ago I asked people on Facebook to post their favorite classic novel. The number one choice seemed to be "To Kill a Mockingbird," so I went to Barnes & Noble today and bought it. This is going to be the first of many classic novels I read this year.

My reading list:
1. To Kill a Mockingbird
2. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
3. Pride and Prejudice
4. Moby Dick
5. Emma
6. Of Mice and Men
7. The Red Badge of Courage
8. Gone with the Wind
9. The Great Gatsby
10. Grapes of Wrath

I'll write a book review after reading each novel just to share the book through my eyes. I am actually very excited!! Having been a reading teacher for years, I have to admit I am embarrassed that I am not "well-read." There's only one way to solve that problem. So, signing off to pick up the first book on my list....To Kill a Mockingbird. (I really don't have a Mockingbird problem, so I really don't know why I need to know how to kill one, but everyone says it's a good book. ha!)


Lindy said...

Ha! You and I are on the same wave length as always. I am about to being a reading journey as well...into American history. My first choice: Thomas Paine's "Common Sense". Love, love, love your idea! So, cheers to becoming well-read chicks!

Haley said...

I think this is a great idea!! I have read 4 on your list. You will really enjoy To Kill a Mockingbird. Look forward to reading about your reading :)

TEXOSE said...

Don't forget about The Scarlett Letter and Jane Eyre. Those were many favs and I Look forward to your reviews... I was the same way about but it was because of dyslexia.... I love to read now and can't seem to get enough of Christian Mystery/Suspense Fiction... lets journey together.. Love how a book can take you from were you are and place in a time and place so easy... GLAD YOU GOT A BLOG... Twinkle Toes ;)

Yo sista said...

I loved that last comment! You're a dork! I'm going to be doing the same thing this year. I think we're going to read "The Pearl" in my 10th grade class. I like Steinbeck.